Will ChatGPT replace developers?

YD Jin

YD Jin

ยท 2 min read

Will ChatGPT will replace developers shortly?

Kyle Simpson, the author of "You don't know Javascript" said

Here's my theory (I mean it sincerely, not as an insult or sarcasm):

If you think your job as a software developer could/will be taken by an AI, then you're probably the kind of software developer whose job could be taken by an AI.

If you think your job as a software developer will NEVER be taken by an AI, then you're definitely the kind of software developer whose job could be taken by an AI.

If you think your job as a software developer will likely have to change as a result of AI, then you're probably secure in your job as a software developer.

I completely agree with this post. To me, it seems to be more about attitude and perspective than knowledge, skills, or talent. When the automobile was invented, carriage drivers had to learn how to drive, rather than ignore the changes.

With the development of web frameworks and ecosystems, things seem to be getting more complicated, even though many of these inventions were created to make developers' lives better. Modern web developers may not need to deal with memory management or vanilla DOM, but they now have to deal with multiple layers of solutions.

AI will make many of our previous processes redundant, but it will also bring new opportunities. We simply need to adjust and learn how to move forward with AI.

YD Jin


YD Jin

Registered nurse, humble learner, arrogant challenger, heavy sugar consumer, and programmer ๐Ÿ™‚

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